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Background wall paper is the GIS plot of Council Rock School, PA tax for each parcel


ENV-205: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Fall 2020


My office is located in Science Building, room 323C. However, office visit this semester is expected to be all virtual. You can email me and I can schedule a zoom virtual meeting with you. The times I am definitely AVAILABLE (office hrs) are: Tuesday, Thursday morning 10-11:00 AM, Wed 10-11 AM. Other times, I might be available and you need to schedule. 


Synchronized Zoom Class Period: Monday 1:10-4:10 PM. You might be able to use computers in classroom S334 after the 1st three weeks(Not sure).





The course will provide students the experience in creating, manipulation, managing, analyzing, and presenting spatial information using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Additionally, students will gain experience in applying GIS capabilities to investigate environmental and social issues.


Course Description

This course introduces the computer-based concepts and skills of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). It covers the GIS concepts such as map characteristics and projections, spatial data models, relational databases, and spatial analysis. It explores sources of data, data quality and metadata, implementation and management of GIS projects. Hands-on experience with ArcGIS is provided through a series of exercises completed by students in the course. Students will be taught how to process both vector and raster data using ArcGIS 9 software. The course will support disciplines of natural science, business, and social studies that require spatial information.


Class Format

The class will meet once a week for three hours. Zomm lecture will focus on the conceptual basis of GIS analysis, introducing concepts and principles needed for effective GIS use. The in-class exercises will provide students practice in using ArcGIS 9 software in a problem-solving environment.



There are no prerequisites for the course.


Tentative Class Schedule


Week 1 (Aug 31) Introduction to ArcCatalog and ArcMap.

Browsing GIS files, metadata in ArcCatalog folder. ArcMap environment


Week 2 (Sept 7) Map projections, coordinate systems.

Maps and their characteristics, coordinate systems. Map in ArcMap. Adding and removing layers, dock and undock toolbars and buttons.


Week 3 (Sept 14) Working with tables.

Types of data, relational database. Database and attribute tables for features and Images. Data fields


Week 4 (Sept 21) Attribute and spatial queries, and query language.

Query from attribute table, definition, wildcard, and overlay queries. Advanced calculations.


Week 5 (Sept 28) Spatial Joins

Feature joins and table join, types of data conversion and adding thematic layers, map overlay, graduated colors, and symbols.


Week 6 (Oct 5) Basic Editing in ArcMap

Vector, Raster and TIN data models. Dot, line, polygon, cell and grid.


Week 7 (Oct 12) Continuing editing features in ArcMap and ArcToolbox

Map scale, layout. ArcTool, conversion and accuracy change.


Week 8 (Oct 19) Creating map in ArcMap

Create dot, line, polygons, and labels. Switching layers, and multiple data frame, save layers and project. Polygon-on-polygon overlays and geoprocessing.


Week 10 (Oct 26) Geoprocessing

Separate and integrated data. Intersect, Union and Dissolve. Data clip of vector and raster files. Distance and area calculations. Logic functions (<>, like, is, and not etc.).


Week 11 (Nov 2) Geocoding and address matching

Managing geocoding services, and process. Geocoding table of addresses, finding, matching and rematching addresses.


Week 12 (Nov 9) Raster Analysis.

Raster display, pyramid and georeferencing. Grid files and reclassing a grid. Digitial elevation grid (NEM files) using Spatial Analyst.


Week 12 (Nov 16)

Raster Analysis.Creating customized maps

Students design and create a database and thematic maps

Operations on the customized map. Query, filter and buffer.

Spatial filters & buffers

Using theme as a spatial filter, hammer tool. Create buffers from attribute tables. Buffer tables, and queries.


Week 13 (Nov 23)  ArcGIS pro


Week 14 (Nov. 20)  Final exam and Starting final project


Final Project Due Day: Dec 7, Monday 5:00 PM


Grading Policy

The final course grade is based on a set of applied course projects, in-class exercises, homework assignments, and a final exam. The weight percentages are:


In-Class Exercise and Projects: 65% (each class project + exercise counts ~ 6 (70/30) points). Unless instructed otherwise, all late assignments will be penalized 10% per day. Attendance 5%. Final exam 15%/. Final project: 20%.


My grading policy is as follows: A range >90, B range 80-89, C range 70-79, D range 60-69, F range <60. "Borderline" cases will be judged individually, based on grade improvement, demonstrated effort and class participation, etc.


Required Text

Price, M., 2019, Mastering ArcGIS, (8th ed.), McGraw-Hill.


Optional Reference Book

Bolstad, P., 2005, GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems (2nd ed.), Eider Press.


Zoom Attendance Is Required. Regular attendance makes a big difference in the final grade received. The material in this class is cumulative. If you miss a day, you may find that you are lost during the next lecture. Three unexcused absences will result in a drop of your final score by 5 points. Excessive unexcused absences will likely result in a grade of F (due to unfinished projects). Excuses for absence will be granted for approved athletic participation, approved field trips, a certified serious illness, death in the immediate family and military examinations. Absence from class, no matter what the reason, does not grant the student a chance to make up the in-class exercises. Instructor′s permission for withdrawal will be given only for exceptional circumstances. Make-up projects are generally NOT ALLOWED for unexcused absence.


Note: In order to be excused for an absence, you must have documentation to validate your excuses. For example, if you are sick, you need a doctors note to show me. If your car broke down, you need a slip from the towing company or your mechanics.


Cheating: Academic integrity is highly valued at Rider. Students caught cheating for a project will be given a "zero" for that project. Repeated offender will be given an F for the course.

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Last updated 8/26/2020