Readme file: Instruction for files in the and the

1. The has 5 files: two files are for setup, the other three files are the source code files.

The executable file is: slug9.exe

Two setup files:

1). g77setup.bat is a batch file for setting up the path for the g77 Fortran Compiler.

2). g77slug8.bat is the batch file that compiles the three source files and creates the executable file called slug6.exe


Three source files are:

slugtest9.f, laplace9.f besellsub.f


2. The file has four example input files and the well data file







texasmw12_old.txt is an early calibrated data file used for sensitivity analysis.


welldata.xls has the four measured wells' H/Ho data and their measuring time (in seconds) for the input wells.


It seems butler66_2.txt data does not have significant unsaturated flow and was added to compare with the KGS model in this situation.


3. Other notes


The input file in the examples is self-explanatory. The rows above the numbers are the explanatory rows. The program skips these rows no matter what you enter there.

One only needs to change numbers in the example file and save it as a different file to run your own data.

You only need to change the numbers underneath the lines **Your data line. User specified time for the slug test time is underneath line 5+.... For the number of user specified time, one needs to count how many time steps you have and enter your time. Then copy the time of the time steps over.


4. To run the executable program, just type in slug9.exe in the command line.

When the program prompts for the input file, one needs to enter the full file name, including the suffix

The input file will have to be in the same directory as slug9.exe file.


5. The output file is called the outfile.txt

The file has three columns. One is the time column, another one is the H/Ho, and the third one is the actual water level column(H/Ho)*Ho. These three columns also are displayed on the screen as well.


Email contact:, phone: 609-896-5185

Department of Geological, Environmental, and Marine Sciences

Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Updated by Hongbing Sun 9/18/2015